Growing a Brand with the Help of Employees

By 2012-08-31Featured

In today’s communication landscape, we have many mediums in which to evangelize or help market a business or organization.  An employee is — or, in my opinion, should be — an evangelist for the business in which they are employed.  Two simple methods in which employees can contribute to brand marketing is sharing and retweeting.  Here’s how. First, go to the business or organization’s Facebook Page and click “Like.” Now Company XYZ posts will feed into your timeline.  Scan recent posts.  When you find the posts that will interest your Facebook Friends or one of your Facebook Groups, hit “share” underneath the post, and direct the “share” to your timeline and/or group. Add a message to go Company XYZ’s Page and “Like” it, to grow the fan base. Share as many of  posts as you believe your friends would appreciate. Same thing with Twitter. Follow add a message to go Company XYZ, and then retweet its tweets.  Now Company XYZ’s tweets go to your followers. On Fridays, known as #FollowFridays, suggest to your followers to follow @CompanyXYZ .  For example: For biz mkting video, editorial @EHAndersonPR @BageAnderson #ff #followfriday. Simple, but effective.