UStream 101; Preparing for McAllen iPad Conference… Maybe

By 2012-03-11Featured

My husband Bage Anderson has been live-streaming the Crestview Church of Christ Sunday worship services. Today, after yet another realization of how video is so crucial to marketing, he is teaching me how to set up UStream to broadcast an event live. As the PR rep for an instructional technology conference next week, there is a chance I will be live-streaming, so no better time to learn than today.  Ustream, here I come. ACU’s George Saltsman introduced me this week to Victoria Ahlen, a social networking guru from Sweden who is in the States for South by Southwest (SXSW). Victoria’s advice to me was to get to using Jive software and start live-streaming from the new iPad (HD). Her advice prompted me to watch Apple CEO Tim Cook’s March 7, 2012 announcement and pre-order the new iPad. Bage is telling me to get all elements of the event — laptop is hub of it all . He has screenshots of slides, hard-wire internet, audio from the church audio board feeding into laptop, video camera connected through fire-wire to laptop, headphones plugged into laptop so he can monitor audio levels. All is plugged into power supply; don’t rely on batteries if you have power supply. Your Ustream acct is already set up. Now launch Ustream Producer, a software program that is a virtual video switcher. Login to Producer using the account from which you want to stream. I would not login to the church account for the educational conference because the stream would appear as if its coming from the church. Rather, I would stream the conference from Abilene Christian U Ustream acct since they are hosting the event. After launching producer, he opens a new project — today’s service and he imports the screenshots ( best to import in the order you use the shots), a blank shot in case you need to fade to black and camera feed. Now he designates audio for each element; he chooses the board and not the camera audio source. Each screenshot needs to be designated. The blank shot has no audio. The camera audio source needs to be board only. Now he puts camera on tripod to shore up his shot of the front of the church auditorium. A myriad of b’cast preferences and setting may need to considered, such as aspect ratio. He wants 16×9 med bandwidth, not HD. The Ustream acct has parameters, such as broadcast start time. Ours is set up for 10:15a which is when Bage will hit Start Broadcast on Producer. When Bage sees a slide our minister has behind him, Bage will switch to that element to make it full-screen on the Ustream stream.  Ok, watch the March 11th Sunday services Bage Ustreamed while teaching me event; we also recorded while streaming live. 20120311-105458.jpg